She’s Here! “Ready for Crazy” now available in E-Book download, Free!
Reading Time: < 1minuteAll 316 pages, cooking over 5 or 6 years, across atleast 3 shifts in the Doomsday clock, made with lots of love, grief, and heaps of coffee. (And an insane amount of beats.) ” There are far, far greater things ahead than any we leave behind.” -C.S. Lewis We hope it gives hope and a … Continue reading »She’s Here! “Ready for Crazy” now available in E-Book download, Free!
We’ve Launched the Bookcast!
Reading Time: < 1minuteWoo, we’re LIVE! Check Follow ReadyforCrazy tweets for some global play-by-plays. To everything.. turn, turn, turn… there is a season.. turn, turn, turn,
“Ready for Crazy” Release 1.0
Reading Time: < 1minuteWow, we made it through the U.S. Election Day! Sure the results may not be known, or on the flipside disputed for some time to come, but atleast we are still moving! And in the event of crazy, we’ve got a Pocket Guide to help! Bam! We’re releasing text from the book-in-process, on this … Continue reading »“Ready for Crazy” Release 1.0
“It’s gonna be alright in the end. If it’s not alright, it’s not the End.”